
Great Queuing Solution

Customer Service Unit and Display Screen

Queue Counter

Queue Administration

Service Type Maintenance

• Queuing  Services Types

• Queuing  Entry

Queuing Slip Print Out

• Queue Print

• Counter Number

• Queue Number


Counter Maintenance

• Counter Setup

• Adding of Counter

• Deleting of Counter 

• Editing Counter 

User Maintenance

Adding of System User

Editing & Updating System User

• Deleting of System User

System Ads

• Ads Setup

• Adding of Ads

• Deleting of Ads


Counter 1

• Counter Action Tab

• Queuing List 

Counter 2

• Counter Action Tab

• Queuing List 

Counter 3

• Counter Action Tab

• Queuing List 

Counter 4

• Counter Action Tab

• Queuing List 

Queuing Display Screen

• Counter Serving Tab

• Text Message

• Add Screen Display